Monday, May 1, 2023

220,000,000 BP to 200,000,000 BP

220,ooo,ooo BP t0 200,000,000 BP 

 200,000,000 BP to 145,000,000 BP: This is the time of the Jurassic Period. This Geological Period fell between the Triassic and Cretaceous Periods. It was during this time that the super contnent Pangaea began to drift apart and to begin much of our present continental geography. During this period there was lots of life, a wet climate, and lush vegetation. Many new dinosaurs appeared. Conifers appeared. Mammals were common, but small. There is evidence of early birds and lizards. Were there worms then or not? There was a lessor extinction toward the end of this Period.

200,000,000 BP: Pangea still exists united, but faults begin to define the continents of today.