Monday, September 6, 2021

140,000,000 BP to 120,000,000 BP

 140 Mya to 120 Mya, millions of years ago

140,000,000 BP to 130,000,000 BP: time of the Valanginian Age of the Cretaceous Period.

135,000,000 BP, Cretaceous period: Flowering plants appeared at this time an diversify into the main flowering plant families we know today.

132,000,000 BP: The pillars of Hercules were not and the gates of Atlanta were not closed. The Atlantic ocean penetrated deep into what is now the Sahara.

0.126 Mya, Late Pleistocene, sometimes called the Tarantian: Eemian interglacial, Last glacial period ending with the Younger Dryas. Toba eruption. Megafauna extinction.