Saturday, September 4, 2021

300,000,000 BP to 280,000,000 BP

 300,000,000 to 280,000,000 BP

298.9 Mya, Cisuralian, Asselian: The firs true mosses, beetles and flies evolve.
Marine flourish in warm shallow seas.

295 Mya, Cisuralian, Sakmarian: Coal age flora are being replaced by cone-bearing gymnosperms, the first true seed plants

290.1 Mya, Cisuralian, Artinskian: Amphibians are common. Cone bearing flora appearing.

283.5 Mya, Paleozoic, Permian, Cisuralian, Kungurian: Parareptiles and temnospondyl amphibians are common. 





251,900,000 BP to 201,300,000 BP: Triassic Period: This time has been called the Triassic Period. The Triassic Period falls after the Permian Period and before the Jurassic Period. First evidence of mammals appear, a mouse like critter is found to lie within the Period. This geologic period ended with a mass extinction of species.